Monday, October 26, 2015

ISYS 100 Online Gaming Vlog

   Short introduction

This video lasts for 4 minutes and each of the group member contributes for 1 minutes video with voice over and background music.

Emil’s video is mainly about a game called Osu! which is a popular rhythm game. The game is produced on the bases of popular rhythm games’ operating system and Emil told us some basic rules and modes of the game.

Jason’s video is about a online FPS game called CS:GO (Counter-Strike: Global Offensive) which is operated by Valve. The video mainly talks about the basic objectives for CS:GO. 

Kevin’s video is also about a game run by Valve called DOTA 2 (Defense of the Ancients 2), he told us about some basic rules of playing the game such as how to control and micro the unit and how to win the game

William's video introduces us to a few fundamental rules and game modes of LoL (League of Legends), he also gave us insight into hints and tips that allow us to improve our gameplay.

Brief explanation of each member’s contribution

This group video contains the work of Jason D Chen, William Tseng, Emil Nacua and Wenkai Wang. This is a 4 minutes video and everyone contribute approximately 1 minute. During the recording process, it is William and Emil’s merit to discover obs(Open Broadcaster Software) which is a perfect software for this video and they taught Wenkai how to use it carefully with great patience. Jason is in charge of collecting everyone’s work and try to edit them so that we can get a higher level of quality. By the way, Jason started doing this kind of work since the start the group assignment(blog and video). Wenkai did a fine job of catching up every time, posting blog regularly and finished video in time.

ISYS 100 Gaming Vlog

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Osu! - Multiplayer, Ranking System and Special Features

Osu! Multiplayer

When playing multiplayer on 'osu!' you enter a central lobby which displays rooms in which are made by users for other users to join with a max of 20 players per room. Rooms are created by clicking the 'new game' button. Within the lobby, the creator of the lobby can choose the beatmap to be played, choose mods or no mods to be used while playing and the scoring style of the beatmap such as team mode. Multiplayer is similiar to Solo play but playing with multiple players. Multiplayer is available for all play modes.  All players must have the same beatmap in order to play multiplayer with the chosen beatmap. Those without the beatmap are able to click on the song in order to be directed to downloading the beatmap. Scoring modes include standard, accuracy where hitting notes perfectly are required to taking top spot, Team-score and co-op where players can work together to complete the song where each player is given certain notes to hit. 

Osu! Ranking System
The ranking system operates through Performance Points (PP). Rather than increasing performance from how much a player plays 'osu!', they are monitored by performance when playing different beatmaps. The amount of performance points gained depends on the overall difficulty of the beatmap and the amount of mods used when playing the beatmap. At most, trying to get a full combo will allow a player to reach a decent ranking on a beatmap. All small aspects of the beatmap such as note-size, accuracy, sliders and spinners should be considered when attempting to increase a players PP in order to increase their overall rank.

Special Features - Replays and Spectate Mode
Osu! also provides users with the feature to save replay's of their own gameplay of a beatmap either for personal use or for display when you achieve a high ranking on a beatmap. Players are also able to view replays of high ranked players gameplay in high difficult beatmaps. Doing so allows players to write small reviews which appear during different durations of the replay, viewable to all players watching the replay. Players are also able to spectate other players or friends while they are playing a beatmap, although the playing wanting to spectate would need to acquire the same beatmap they are playing.
The video above is a replay of a professional osu! player known as 'Cookiezi' playing a highly difficult beatmap. Enjoy.
By Emil N

Gaming modes of Dota2

There are 11 common modes of Dota2 games which include: AP(all pick), RD(random draft), SD(single draft), AR(all random), CM(captains mode), CD(captains draft), LP(least played), LH(limited heroes), AD(ability draft), 1v1 solo mid and all random death-match.

In AP mode, you will have 75 seconds to pick your own hero and 75 seconds to prepare and buy equipment before the creep.

In RD mode, players can only choose heroes from a pool of 24 selected heroes.
In SD mode, there would be three heroes form each of strength, agility and intelligence, and players wouldn’t get the same heroes with the others.

In AR mode, each player gets a different random heroes, no picks.

In CM mode which is the mostly used mode in official compendiums, each team’s captain bans and chooses hero for the team. Here is the order:

In CD mode, captains ban and pick from a selection of 27 heroes.

 In LP mode, you can only choose heroes from a pool of those you least played before,

LH mode is the most suitable mode for new players because you can only choose hero form a pool of heroes which are considered and designed for new players.

In AD mode which is also called WTF mode, players can play a random hero but with four abilities selected from a random poor of abilities.

Dota2 basic rules of playing

There are two teams in Dota2, they are the Radiant which is located at the left-down corner and the Dire which is located at the right-up corner. Each team contains 5 players, the game would over until one team takes out the other side’s ancient.

There are 110 heroes in Dota2 right now(Valve is still working on the few of the original heroes in Dota1 and some heroes exist in Dota2 already are banned automatically due to specific reasons), there are three types of heroes--Strength, Agility and Intelligence, two types of attacking--long ranged, short ranged, they are almost equally numbered. All heroes are free in charge!

In official Dota2 games, we usually use BP mode(each team pick a team leader who is in charge of picking and banning heroes) while most normal players would choose AP(all pick, no banning and no limits on picking).

There are so many ways to increase your superiority or redeem your inferior position, it is hard to assert which side is winning before the final second when two teams have similar strength which also increased the fun and unknown of Dota2.

Saturday, October 10, 2015

League of Legends: Position and Roles

Image result for lol top laners
Top Laner: Top lane is a solo lane, summoners usually pick Tanks, Fighters or Bruisers in this lane, however there are also many other variations available.
  • Tank – Champions with high health, defensive stats and does not deal much damage, their role is to absorb damage, distract enemy team and initiate team fights.
  • Fighter/Bruiser – They are very similar to Tanks, however they are not as tanky but deals more damage.
Image result for lol mid laners

Mid Laner: Mid lane is another solo lane, summoners usually pick spell casters or assassins in this lane.
  • APC (Ability power carry)/mages – Champions with strong spells and AoE (Area of Effect) their role is to deal single/area magic damage to enemies.
  • Assassins - Champions with ability to deal massive amount of damage over a short period of time, their role is to burst and take out enemy Carries instantly.

                            Image result for lol adc      Image result for lol support
Bot Laner: Bot lane is a duo lane, consisted of ADC and support.

  • ADC(Attack damage carry)/marksman -  ADC are champions who deal consistent damage over time via their auto attacks and utilizes life steal, attack speed and critical strike, they are also known as late game carries, their role is to survive during the team fight and deal consistent damage to enemies.
  • Support – Champions with CC (Crowd Control) and utility spells, their role is to support the ADC(first priority) and the rest of the team by utilizing their skills/ items, harass, absorb damage as well as buying and placing wards for vision controls.

Jungler: Jungler is a very different role comparing to the rest of the others, instead of going into a lane, their role is to farm jungle camps and seek out for opportunities to gank enemies and assist their laners to take leads as well as gaining and control visions for their team. 

By William