Saturday, October 10, 2015

League of Legends: Position and Roles

Image result for lol top laners
Top Laner: Top lane is a solo lane, summoners usually pick Tanks, Fighters or Bruisers in this lane, however there are also many other variations available.
  • Tank – Champions with high health, defensive stats and does not deal much damage, their role is to absorb damage, distract enemy team and initiate team fights.
  • Fighter/Bruiser – They are very similar to Tanks, however they are not as tanky but deals more damage.
Image result for lol mid laners

Mid Laner: Mid lane is another solo lane, summoners usually pick spell casters or assassins in this lane.
  • APC (Ability power carry)/mages – Champions with strong spells and AoE (Area of Effect) their role is to deal single/area magic damage to enemies.
  • Assassins - Champions with ability to deal massive amount of damage over a short period of time, their role is to burst and take out enemy Carries instantly.

                            Image result for lol adc      Image result for lol support
Bot Laner: Bot lane is a duo lane, consisted of ADC and support.

  • ADC(Attack damage carry)/marksman -  ADC are champions who deal consistent damage over time via their auto attacks and utilizes life steal, attack speed and critical strike, they are also known as late game carries, their role is to survive during the team fight and deal consistent damage to enemies.
  • Support – Champions with CC (Crowd Control) and utility spells, their role is to support the ADC(first priority) and the rest of the team by utilizing their skills/ items, harass, absorb damage as well as buying and placing wards for vision controls.

Jungler: Jungler is a very different role comparing to the rest of the others, instead of going into a lane, their role is to farm jungle camps and seek out for opportunities to gank enemies and assist their laners to take leads as well as gaining and control visions for their team. 

By William

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